Friday 25 July 2014


The name's Newell. Jazmin Newell. But call me Jimmy.

I'm fifteen and a full-time dork. I love movies and books and music and kinda everything in between. Script writing, movie reviewing, publishing, editing, copyrighting, directing, sound production, talent scouting, producing, novel-writing, short story writing - you name it, I've considered it a career choice at some point.

This blog,, will be dedicated to pretty much anything that inspires me. Whether it be a movie review, album review, story I've written, short bucket list or rant. This is my page to simply blergh and you, my gorgeous friends, are the guinea pigs.

By the way, if you know where my url is from, we could probably be friends. Admittedly, I only became a fan of that genre recently, but it didn't take long for me to fall in love.

I would love to interact with anyone who takes the time out of their day to read my rambling so please don't be shy! 

Until next time,

Jimmy xo

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